New Perspectives on Education for Democracy brings together diverse communities of education research in an innovative way to develop a nuanced understanding of the relationship between education and democracy. This book synthesises a range of theoretical, conceptual, and empirical approaches to address the complex challenges faced by young people and societies in the 21st century. Each chapter provides accounts of local democratic encounters in education, while engaging with global debates and issues, such as de-democratisation and growing social, economic, and educational inequality. This book presents new ways of thinking about democracy, local–global enactments of democracy through teaching and learning, and future thinking for a new era of democracy. This book will be relevant for educators, researchers, and policymakers who are interested in educational sociology, critical pedagogy, and democratic education.
This book presents a vision of education for democracy built around promoting equity and social justice. In doing so, Camicia and Knowles challenge many of the common perspectives of democratic education, deliberation, and the common good.
This book engages with the political, philosophical and policy debates around contemporary democratic socialism and state education.
Historians would later criticize whatthey sawas Bancroft's subjective approach, which thatvaulted a“factitious” and “spurious” patriotism overonethat was morereasoned and intelligent (Novick, 1988,ascited in Halvorsen, 2006, p.33).
Rarely have these separate approaches been brought into the same conversation. Education, Justice, and Democracy does just that, offering an intensive discussion by highly respected scholars across empirical and philosophical disciplines.
This volume, the first in a Digital Citizenship Education series, reviews the existing academic and policy literature on digital citizenship education, highlighting definitions, actors and stakeholders, competence frameworks, practices, ...
John Dewey's Democracy and Education addresses the challenge of providing quality public education in a democratic society. In this classic work Dewey calls for the complete renewal of public education,...
This section stipulates that the best interests of the child are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child. The case of Doreen Harris v Minister of Education (2001) is ...
1996/1997 . " Canadian Citizenship Education : W5 and How . " International Journal of Social Education 11 ( 2 ) ... Beyond Socialization and Multiculturalism : Rethinking the Task of Citizenship Education in a Pluralistic Society .
This book offers provocations for what’s now and what’s next in educational leadership, simultaneously bringing the field both back to its basics—of equity, democracy, humanity, and education for all—and forward to productive, ...
"This interdisciplinary book has contributions from scholars in the US, the EU, Korea, and Hungary from the fields of political science and education, sociology, communications, social work, and psychology. The...