This handbook provides a comprehensive review of communication around rising global environmental challenges and public action to manage them now and into the future. Bringing together theoretical, methodological, and practical chapters, this book presents a unique opportunity for environmental communication scholars to critically reflect on the past, examine present trends, and start envisioning exciting new methodologies, theories, and areas of research. Chapters feature authors from a wide range of countries to critically review the genesis and evolution of environmental communication research and thus analyze current issues in the field from a truly international perspective, incorporating diverse epistemological perspectives, exciting new methodologies, and interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks. The handbook seeks to challenge existing dominant perspectives of environmental communication from and about populations in the Global South and disenfranchised populations in the Global North. The Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication is ideal for scholars and advanced students of communication, sustainability, strategic communication, media, environmental studies, and politics.
Prioritizing Development, Vying for Attention: Factors Influencing the Practice of Environmental Journalism in the Global South. In Takahashi et al. (2021). The Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication.
Let us listen to the voices of life in the world and theorize communication for humanity in diversity. REFERENCES Anderson, J. A. (1996). Communication theory: Epistemological foundations. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
In J. C. Vieyra & M. Masson (Eds.), Transparent governance in an age of abundance (pp. 109–142). Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. Sinnott, E., Nash, J., & de la Torre, A. (2010). Natural resources in Latin America and ...
Five years of research in The Organizational Listening Project (Macnamara, 2013, 2015, 2016) involving more than 100 organizations on three continents concluded that recognition of an architecture of listening enables organizations to ...
The Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity brings the ecological turn to sociocultural understandings of self.
This handbook will be an essential reference for teachers, students, and practitioners of environmental literature, film, journalism, communication, and rhetoric, and well as the broader meta-discipline of environmental humanities.
Jallinoja, Piia, Vinnari, Markus and Niva, Mari (2019) Veganism and Plant-Based Eating: Analysis of Interplay Between Discursive Strategies and Lifestyle Political Consumerism, in The Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism, ...
... handbook of international trends in environmental communication. London: Routledge. Weder, F., Krainer, L., & Karmasin, M. (2021). The sustainability communication reader: A reflective compendium. Heidelberg: Springer.
Kinsella, W. J., & J. Mullen. (2008). Becoming Hanford downwinders: Producing community and challenging discursive containment. In B. C. Taylor, W. J. Kinsella, S. P. Depoe, & M. S. Metzler (Eds.), Nuclear legacies: Communication, ...
INTERNATIONAL TRADE, THE ENVIRONMENT, AND CLIMATE CHANGE 425 by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and brings together research on the diffusion of ... “Trade Policies and Climate Change Policies: A Rapidly Expanding Joint Agenda.