First published in Britain in 1958, the original blurb read: ‘To those whose sex life is based on heterosexual relationships, the homosexual is a grotesque, shadowy creature – a person spoken of with scorn. If you are not one of us, it is impossible to realise our feelings when this occurs. It is incredible to us that a well-educated girl could make the following remark: "What do they look like? I wonder if I’ve ever seen one?"’ These words – written by a lesbian and taken from one of the personal histories of homosexual men and women which open this book – might be taken as its theme. In our statistically minded age, we are apt to forget that behind the word homosexual there is always a person. Widespread misconceptions about homosexuality are particularly startling when one considers the disturbing prevalence. The purpose of this book is to bring into public light, the knowledge of the manifestations of the problem, so that they may be openly examined. The book is divided into two parts: Part One presents a collection of revealing autobiographies, diaries, letters and intimate observations in which the homosexuals speak for themselves. Part Two offers an examination of the cause and cure of homosexuality by important figures from all major schools of thought. It includes contributions by Sigmund Freud, C. G. Jung, George W. Henry, Magnus Hirschfield, Wilhelm Stekel and Sandor Ferenczi. In editing this volume, Dr Berg has bridged a significant gap in the scientific approach to sexual behaviour. By bringing to life the feelings, fears, attitudes and anxieties of the human being behind the statistics of homosexual incidence, as well as the causes, it should become indispensable to the movement for intelligent sex education. This book is a re-issue originally published in 1958. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.
I knew I had fallen for Leslie and that I needed to tell her. ... As Leslie would later describe it, I stepped back but not away. ... (I'm smiling!) A New Relationship We went on our first real date 78 Leaving Homosexuality.
. . . This book is exceptionally readable. . . . [they] are to be particularly commended for their editorial expertise." --Contemporary Psychology "Gonsiorek and Weinrich′s book is a gem!
The result is A Natural History of Homosexuality, a generous work that synthesizes research in biology, history, psychology, and politics to explain how homosexuality has been understood and defined from ancient times until the present.
Society and the Healthy Homosexual by George Weinberg, Ph.D., was hailed as a landmark when first published. It is the book that pioneered the concept of widespread prejudice against homosexuals--homophobia.
How should the church respond to homosexual issues & arguments? This book will give you the information you need to understand & evaluate the homosexual agenda & how it relates to biblical truth.
In simple language, the book presents the basic causes of same sex attractions, a clear model for recovery and stories of individuals who have made the change.
Schmitz, David F. 1999. Thank God They're on Our Side: The United States and Right-Wing Dictatorships, 1921–1965. ... Schulte, Lisa J., and Juan Battle. 2004. “The Relative Importance of Ethnicity and Religion in Predicting Attitudes ...
It was clear to me now that Dennis Paterson felt he had been rejected by his son and treated as though he were unimportant. “The reason you're asking the question is that your son is very important to you,” I prompted.
This enlightening new book details the variety of family forms in which gays and lesbians live and explores the effects of homosexuality on individuals in families and on the family as a whole.
Specifically addressing the racialization of sexuality, the book asks how the politics of sexuality can be more explicitly and systematically theorized, along with state-sanctioned homophobia under Nazism, with a clear recognition that ...