The Routledge Handbook of Corpora and English Language Teaching and Learning

The Routledge Handbook of Corpora and English Language Teaching and Learning
Taylor & Francis
Eniko Csomay, Reka R. Jablonkai


The Routledge Handbook of Corpora and English Language Teaching and Learning provides a wide-ranging and authoritative overview of the latest developments and innovations in how corpus approaches, corpus technologies, and corpus data can inform and transform English language teaching and learning. Featuring a broad range of international experts, the Handbook presents state-of-the-art scholarship and inspires new avenues for research focusing on six key areas: English language teaching and learning informed by language corpora; corpora in syllabus and materials design; corpora and English for specific and academic purposes; learner corpora for English language teaching; data-driven learning; and corpora and corpus tools for language teaching. Unique to this pioneering volume, the authors cover key areas at the cross-roads of corpus research and English language teaching by drawing on cutting-edge corpus applications, methods, and pedagogical approaches, hence, bridging the research–practice gap in the field. This Handbook is a collection of novel contributions offering essential reading for those researching and studying English language teaching and learning through the application of corpus approaches.

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