Rethinking American Women's Activism traces intersecting streams of feminist activism from the nineteenth century to the present. This enthralling narrative brings to life an array of women activists from the abolition, suffrage, labor, consumer, civil rights, welfare rights, farm workers’, and low-wage workers’ movements, and from campus fights against sexual violence, #MeToo, the Red for Ed teacher’s strikes, and Black Lives Matter. Multi-cultural, multi-racial and cross-class in its framing, the text enables readers to understand the impact of women's activism. It highlights how feminism has flourished through much of the past century within social movements that have too often been treated as completely separate.Weaving the personal with the political, Annelise Orleck vividly evokes the events and people who participated in our era's most far-reaching social revolutions. This new edition has been updated to include recent scholarship and developments in women’s activism from 2011 into the 2020s. This book is a perfect introduction to the subject for anyone interested in women’s history and social movements.
"Establishes important links between citizenship, race, and gender following the Reconstruction amendments and the Dawes Act of 1887." -- Sharon Hartmann Strom, American Historical Review
... West: Sterilization of Black Women Common in the U.S.,” Triple Jeopardy 3:1 (September-October 1973): 1, Herstory 1, reel 7; “Vaginal Ecology,” Triple Jeopardy (Summer 1975): 16, SHSW. 81. Twenty-seven articles ... Triple Jeopardy” 69.
Sophonisba Breckinridge's remarkable career stretched from the Civil War to the Cold War.
Harley L. Browning and Rodolfo O. de la Garza, 138—56. Austin: Center for Mexican American Studies, University of Texas at Austin. Romano-V, Octavio I. 1970. "Social Science, Objectivity and the Chi— canos.” El Grito: A Journal of ...
The inspiration for the PBS documentary premiering March 2023 The story of the revolutionary Black women welfare organizers of Las Vegas who spearheaded an evergreen, radical revisioning of American economic justice This timely reissue ...
This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the global scope and implications of feminism. Contents 1. Introduction Africa 2. South African Feminisms: A Coming of Age? (Elaine Salo) 3.
This volume provides scholars, activists, and students with critical tools that can help them decenter whiteness and other power structures while repositioning marginalized groups at the center of analysis. _Are All the Women Still White? ...
The chapters in this collection modify the "wave" metaphor in some cases and in others re-periodize it.
The goal of the book is to trace and expose critical paradoxes, ironies, and contradictions embedded in the language of Women’s and Gender Studies—from its high theory to its casual conversations—that relies on these key terms.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1. Del Martin, “The Positive Approach,” The Ladder, November 1956, 8–9. 2. ... See Dorothy Sue Cobble, The Other Women's Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America (Princeton, ...