Now in its sixth edition, the hugely popular Digital Marketing Excellence is a practical guide to creating and executing integrated digital marketing plans, combining established approaches to marketing planning with the creative use of new digital models and digital tools. Written by two highly experienced digital marketing consultants, the book shows you how to: Draw up an outline integrated digital marketing plan Evaluate and apply digital marketing principles and models Integrate online and offline communications Implement customer-driven digital marketing as part of digital transformation Reduce costly trial and error Measure and enhance your digital marketing Learn best practices for reaching and engaging your audiences using the key digital marketing platforms. This new edition has been streamlined to seamlessly integrate the latest developments in digital analytics, ethics and privacy, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Including new international case studies and up-to-date examples throughout, this book cuts through the jargon to show marketers how to leverage data and digital technologies to their advantage. Offering a highly structured and accessible guide to a critical and far-reaching subject, Digital Marketing Excellence, 6th edition, provides a vital reference point for all digital marketing students, and managers involved in digital marketing strategy and implementation. Online resources have been fully updated for the new edition and include a new set of PowerPoint slides and a full test bank of questions and exercises.
Built around the CIM e-Marketing Award, this book addresses an important area of marketing.
(a) (b) (c) EC E-marketing (EM has some overlap with e-commerce (EC) and e-business E-marketing is broadly equivalent to e-commerce and e-business EB EC E-business encompasses e-marketing EM EB and e-commerce, but e-marketing involves ...
INTRODUCTION TO E-MARKETING E-MARKETING —THE DYNAMIC DIALOGUE Simply put, e-marketing involves marketing online whether via web sites, banner ads, opt-in e-mail, interactive kiosks, interactive TV, mobiles or m-commerce — the e-tools.
The entire book is written in easily digestible chunks so readers can dip in and out. Who can use this book? The book is aimed at anyone involved in digital marketing, or marketing, or just interested in digital marketing.
By downloading this e-book, you have taken the first step towards doing just that and throughout the course of the following chapters we will be looking in depth at how to create and share fantastic, high-quality videos that will accelerate ...
The compilation includes a selection of 30 award winners from 2012 to 2014 who have employed different strategies, tactics, tools and techniques all worthy of recognition.
This book is not about marketing technology or a rehash of the Pragmatic Marketing Framework. It is a practitioner's guidebook for effective, modern B2B marketing.
Use this bestselling guide to strengthen your brand's online presence and explore core marketing avenues. Digital Branding is ideal for marketers and brand strategists who want to enhance their brand's online presence.
'I have used this book in all its editions since first publication with my undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Comprehensive and with a strong practical focus, this volume presents a complete guide to maximising the range and impact of e-mail marketing techniques.