Hope for us has a positive connotation. Yet it was criticized in classical antiquity as a distraction from the present moment, as the occasion for irrational and self-destructive thinking, and as a presumption against the gods. To what extent do arguments against hope today remain useful? If hope sounds to us like a good thing, that reaction stems from a progressive political tradition grounded in the French Revolution, aspects of Romantic literature and the influence of the Abrahamic faiths. Ranging both wide and deep, Adam Potkay examines the cases for and against hope found in literature from antiquity to the present. Drawing imaginatively on several fields and creatively juxtaposing poetry, drama, and novels alongside philosophy, theology and political theory, the author brings continually fresh insights to a subject of perennial interest. This is a bold and illuminating new treatment of a long-running literary debate as complex as it is compelling.
Taking readers from 1948 to 1967 in Sinai, Jerusalem, and Washington, D.C., a stunning depiction of the conflicts that shaped the struggling nation of Israel follows the adventures of a sinister Mossad man, a religious ace fighter pilot, ...
This superb new volume is addressed to everyone interested in hope, regardless of their religious or philosophical beliefs.
Many are left with a faded perspective on what lies ahead. In the pages of this booklet, author Bill Crowder shines the light to reveal a hope that can only be found in Christ.
In doing so, she creates a moving picture of their struggles and triumphs. Illustrated with poignant and affecting photographs, this is a unique exploration of Ellis Island's history.
What sustains that hope and turns those dreams into reality? What are some of the unique ways you bring hope to people in your life? The contributors featured in Beautiful Hope offer intensely personal answers to these questions.
Respected author and counselor June Hunt champions the healing power of hope. Stemming from Hunt's ministry, Hope For the Heart, this book speaks on a subject central to her calling.
... will always be here. We will always be watching, and we will always be ready to meet your eyes. We will not allow you to define us, nor our thoughts, nor our children, nor our government. We will stand up and speak out, as we always ...
Just when you think this is going to be a simple love story, someone gets shot, there's sabotage, and something most gruesome is revealed with a complex mystery. These elements keep the story lively and the plot moving.
Do I truly believe? Is He really a God of love and mercy? How could He be so cruel to those He's supposed to love so much? Today, I know the answer to these questions, without any doubt. This is my journey.
262 Marshall argues that hope, as a theological virtue, merely serves as a one-way conduit for power that flows from a commandeering God to a puppet-like human. In the process, that theological hope narrows the gaze of the those who ...