City Politics: Cities and Suburbs in 21st Century America

City Politics: Cities and Suburbs in 21st Century America
City Politics
Municipal government
Dennis R. Judd, Annika Marlen Hinze


City Politics has received praise for the clarity of its writing, careful research, and distinctive theme - that urban politics in the United States has evolved as a dynamic interaction between governmental power, private actors, and a politics of identity. The book's enduring appeal lies in its persuasive explanation, careful attention to historical detail, and accessible and elegant way of teaching the complexity and breadth of urban and regional politics which unfold at the intersection of spatial, cultural, economic, and policy dynamics. This 11th edition has been thoroughly updated while retaining the popular structure of past editions. Key updates include: - Individual chapters introducing students to pressing urban issues such as race and racism, gentrification, sustainability and the environment, urban crises, shrinking cities, immigration, and suburbanization, political polarization, and the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on cities - The most recent census data integrated throughout to provide current figures for analysis, discussion, and a more nuanced understanding of current trends. - The effects of the events of 2020 on cities - namely the Coronavirus pandemic; the murder of George Floyd and its aftermath, and the growth of the Black Lives Matter Movement; and the U.S. presidential election in November - The new and present challenges of the climate crisis, and its growing significance for cities. Taught on its own, or supplemented with the optional reader American Urban Politics in a Global Age for more advanced readers, City Politics remains the definitive text on urban politics - and how they have evolved in the United States over time. This is a comprehensive resource for a new generation of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as established researchers in the discipline. This book is accompanied by Support Material online:

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