"For millennia, people have universally engaged in ecstatic experience as an essential element in ritual practice, spiritual belief and cultural identification. This volume offers the first systematic investigation of its myriad roles and manifestations in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. The twenty-nine contributors represent a broad range of scholarly disciplines, seeking answers to fundamental questions regarding the patterns and commonalities of this vital aspect of the past. How was the experience construed and by what means was it achieved? Who was involved? Where and when were its rites carried out? How was it reflected in pictorial arts and written records? What was its relation to other components of the sociocultural compact? In proposing responses, the authors draw upon a wealth of original research in many fields, generating new perspectives and thought-provoking, often surprising, conclusions. With their abundant cross-cultural and cross-temporal references, the chapters mutually enrich each other and collectively deepen our understanding of ecstatic phenomena thousands of years ago. Another noteworthy feature of the book is its illustrative content, including commissioned reconstructions of ecstatic scenarios and pairings of works of Bronze Age and modern psychedelic art. Scholars, students and other readers interested in antiquity, comparative religion and the social and cognitive sciences will find much to explore in the fascinating realm of ecstatic experience in the ancient world"--
... Ancient Mediterranean World. Oxford: Archaeopress. Crooks, S. 2013. What are these Queer Stones? Baetyls: Epistemology ... The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World: 430–40. London: Routledge. Foster, K.P. 1997 ...
... Nile into Tiber: Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Isis Studies, Leiden, May 11–14 2005. Leiden and Boston ... Tiber: Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings 310.
Not only is this clearly written book a significant contribution to the study of these cults, it is also accessible to a general readership.
... Ecstasy and Initiation in the Eleusinian Mysteries. In D. Stein, S. Costello and K. Foster (eds) The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World, 314–331. London, Routledge. Clinton, K. (1974) The Sacred Officials of ...
This book introduces students to the anthropology of magic and witchcraft, terms widely used but with no widely accepted definitions.
... Ecstatic Experience and Possession Disorders in Ancient Mesopotamia . " , in : D. L. Stein , S. K. Costello and K. Polinger Foster ( eds . ) The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World , Abingdon and New York ...
... The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World . Milton : Taylor & Francis Group , 173-186 . James , S. 2018. Corinth VII.7 : The Hellenistic Pottery : The Fine Wares . Princeton : The American School of Classical ...
... Experience , ” Iraq , 80 : 181-211 . Ornan , T. ( 2016 ) , “ Sketches and Final Works of Art : The Drawings and Wall ... The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World , London : Routledge . Swenson , E. ( 2015a ) ...
... Bollettino dei Musei Comunali di Roma , n.s. , 19 : 5-34 . MAGGIANI , ADRIANO . 1999. “ Un frammento di kore marmorea da Orvieto ... dei Lincei , 7th ser . , 7 : 27-63 . MANSUELLI , GUIDO ACHILLE . 1964. " Novios Plautios med Romai fecid ...
——ed. (2007) The Arabian Nights in Transnational Perspective, Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Naddaff, S. (1991) Arabesque: narrative structure and the aesthetics of repetition in 1001 Nights, ...