"Approaching from bibliographical, literary, cultural, and intercultural perspectives, this book establishes the importance of Hesperides, or the Muses' Garden, a largely unexplored manuscript commonplace book to early modern English literature and culture in general. Hesperides, or the Muses' Garden is a seventeenth-century manuscript commonplace book known primarily for its Shakespearean connections, which extracts works by dozens of early modern English authors, including Shakespeare, Bacon, Ben Jonson, and Milton. This book sheds light on the broader significance of Hesperides that refashions our full knowledge of early modern authorship and plagiarism, composition, reading practice, and canon formation. Following two introductory chapters are three topical chapters, which respectively discuss plagiarism and early modern English writing, early modern English reading practice, and early modern English canon formation. The final chapter further expands the field to ancient China, comparing commonplace books with Chinese leishu, exploring Matteo Ricci's cross-cultural commonplace writing, and re-reading Shakespeare's sonnets in light of Ricci's On Friendship. The solid book will serve as a must read for scholars and students of early modern English literature, manuscript study, commonplace books, history of the book, and intercultural study."--
This work is a new edition of Thomas Jefferson's literary commonplace book, a notebook of his literary and philosophical reading.
Auden described the book as the closest he would ever come to writing an autobiography; it was, he wrote, a map of my planet.
In effect the personal notebook of a distinguished and highly individualistic novelist and writer, this is an eclectic collection of more than 1,000 short quotations that have struck a chord with the author in the course of her life and ...
Gists, Orts, Shards II: Addendum and Postludes for A Commonplace Book
Or is there something indispensable in the keeping of notebooks without which human beings would be the poorer?" THE LIVING PAGE invites the reader to take a closer look in the timeless company of 19th century educator, Charlotte Mason.
See also Susan M. Levin , Dorothy Wordsworth and Romanticism , rev . ed . ( Jefferson , NC : McFarland , 2009 ) , esp . p . 6 and Tilar J. Mazzeo , Plagiarism and Literary Property in the Romantic Period ( Philadelphia : University of ...
This edition presents the full text of a personal collection of temporale Middle-English sermons, compiled by a parish priest for his own use.
Footprints on the Sands of Time
... alive " . If by this they meant " No human being knows that M. is still ... Somebody knows that p " is necessary , but not sufficient , since " It's not ... I'm 278 NOTEBOOK VI.