"An in-depth look at the political landscape of Saskatchewan from its leftist roots to its shift in recent years to the right of centre. One of the most underreported stories in Canadian politics has been the political and economic transformation of Saskatchewan. The province that was the birthplace of the CCF-NDP and democratic socialism in North America has, over the last fifty years, undergone fundamental change that has altered its identity. It is now seen as the bastion of the centre-right Saskatchewan Party, which has become one of the most dominant provincial political parties in Canada. The story of that transformation, in which the once powerful NDP has been relegated to the political margins, reaches far beyond the province itself and reflects national and global events that have shaped the province over the course of the last half century. Modern Saskatchewan politics have been less about ideology and more about the influence of issues and events since the late 1960s and the lure of populist leaders who speak to an identity rooted in the province's history. Consistent with Saskatchewan's history, From Left to Right presents a blend of populism, a deeply embedded spirit of independence and personal initiative, coupled with communitarian values and the constant search for a better future."--
Traces the phenomenon of right-wing radicalism in America from 1790 to the extremism and backlash sentiments of the 1970s
Then there was the accompanying photo , in which , for the first time ever , Jasper sported a beard . A beard ! Atop his straight - laced , buttoned - down , cheaply - suited self , there had grown a beard . Why ? When had he done it ?
This debate was part of a larger Atlantic movement known as "the pamphlet war" of the 1790s, a series of polemical writings concerning the pros and cons of the Revolution.
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... mi? BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin kararı ayrı, başkanın yayınladığı bildiri ayrı. Bizi bunu bilemeyecek kadar cahil mi zannediyor bu Dışişleri Bakanı? Böyle bir anlayış olabilir mi?" 14 Temmuz 2010 – Mersin Akkuyu'da, nükleer santral kurulması ...
Reclaiming the American Dream
A book of political jokes about the left wing in British politics