The Reunion tells the story of six close friends from India. It begins in Hyderabad and chronicles their destinies from the 1960's as they navigate religious, cultural, political and caste differences in and around their families. After they graduate from college, they end up in different careers, communities, and, even continents. Their triumphs and failures, convictions and doubts, and loyalties and betrayals are portrayed with a remarkable sense of intrigue and poignancy. Fifty-five years later they reunite in the United States and discover the different lives they have all led. Will their friendship withstand the test of time? An insightful and emotional account of how circumstances can influence the core of human character and personality..
'When I read back through my diaries, I come across completely unknown events, as if another person lived that time in my place. And still, a recollection can suddenly knife...
Aaron Miller, a Vietnam vet who works as handyman at a trailer park, was a decorated war hero. Returning home from the war, he lost everything. But God finds and redeems the lost things of life, and someone is searching for Aaron.
The popular sequel to Class Reunion, Rona Jaffe’s After the Reunion continues the heartwarming story of Daphne, Emily, Chris, and Annabel five years after their class reunion.
The family you thought you knew. A reunion you'll never forget. A love that lasts forever -"This is a tight knit family, along with their cousin Andy, his wife and their children. The kind of family we all wish we had.
When their father passes away, three estranged brothers--Sam, a hardened cop currently on suspension; Leo, a foul-mouthed bondsman; and Douglas, a con artist who never even knew he had a family--must start a business together in order to ...
The Reunion
Nine surviving members of a U-boat crew captured during World War II gather in North Carolina for their 60th reunion, only to find themselves targets for a group kill.
Indeed, this book demonstrates the extent to which the victors' aims in 1865 were met--and at what cost"--
But when the hotel is chosen as the location for her high school reunion, Cait finds herself unable to resist the appeal of showing off her new life to the people who once made her existence miserable.
Marc Janssen and Jenny Kincaid met as high school seniors and fell deeply in love.