If the U.S. of A. is such a great nation, why do you need to read this book? Because the problem is this: We face a set of incestuous relationships among and between the political class and other elites who presume to power that rightfully (constitutionally) belongs to "We the People". Americans of all classes have been sold bills of goods for decades by a mainstream-media/advertising industry/big-business complex. Americans of all classes have also tried to use government for their private benefit, but the rich have garnered the lion's share of the bene's. All this has occurred under cover of a free market ideology maintained in the face of facts to the contrary. These include growing concentrations of power and money, their mutually supportive "one hand greases the other" interactions, and growing inequality of income and wealth. Thus, our kids are growing up in a society in which power is money and money is power.HOW do you beat this rap? - By getting involved in politics and learning how. WE THE PEOPLE: A POLITICAL HANDBOOK will tell you all you need to know. --