Genkouyoushi Notebook - Kanji and Kana Characters Writing Practice Book This stylish traditional notebook style workbook contains 120 pages of kanji paper, also known as genkouyoushi paper. Each large square holds one character and each square is divided into four quadrants to guide the correct positioning of the elements of each character. This notebook is ideal for both adults and children who are learning Japanese and need to practice the written language. Size: 8.5 x 11 in. 120 Pages of Kanji Paper Premium matte finish soft cover Printed on white paper
Genkouyoushi in this book are in proper size and format. The same as they are used in Japan. You can also use this book either from left to right or from right to left Cover: Great tough matte paperback.
A traditional manuscript paper for Japanese writing is called Genkouyoushi.
A traditional manuscript paper for Japanese writing is called Genkouyoushi.
Genkouyoushi is a traditional manuscript paper for Japanese writing.
Genkouyoushi Paper Notebook Genkouyoushi squared paper is used to write compositions using a grid.
A traditional manuscript paper for Japanese writing is called Genkouyoushi.
Genkouyoushi Paper Notebook Genkouyoushi squared paper is used to write compositions using a grid.
Genkouyoushi Paper Notebook Genkouyoushi squared paper is used to write compositions using a grid.
For those who love the beautiful art that has come out of Japan during the Edo and Meiji periods this is one notebook in a series of Japanese nature genkouyoushi notebooks which showcases these eras.
Genkouyoushi Paper Notebook Genkouyoushi squared paper is used to write compositions using a grid.