This volume examines behavioral genetic research on temperament and personality from a number of perspectives. It takes a developmental perspective on a number of issues across the lifespan, focusing on personality and temperament. The first section focuses on the development of temperament and personality. Typically this has involved exploring genetic and environmental contributions to phenotypic stability and instability, but more recently there has been research that examines the etiology of intra-individual change/growth trajectories. The second section examines genetic and environmental contributions to the association between temperament and personality and other behaviors. The third and fourth sections discuss genotype-environment correlations and interactions, and introduces the reader to molecular genetics research on temperament and personality. Chapter 11 will discuss the significance of this type of research and Chapter 12 will provide an example of specific line of research exploring genes associated with temperament.
Personality and Temperament: Genetics, Evolution, and Structure
London: Pitman, 1982. Vale, J. R. Genes, environment and behavior: An interactionist approach. New York: Harper & Row, 1980. Van den Daele, L. Infant reactivity to redundant proprioceptive and auditory stimulation: A twin study.
However, previous research has largely been confined to studies at the descriptive level. This book tries to explain individual difference, rather than merely describe them.
The Biology of Human Conduct: East-West Models of Temperament and Personality is a three-part book that explores models of temperament, typology and personality, and personality and conditioning.
This handbook discusses the development and measurement of personality as well as biological and social determinants, dynamic personality processes, the personality's relation to the self, and personality in relation to applied psychology.
This is the third book in a series of Across the Life Span volumes that has come from the Biennial Life Span Development Conferences.
Personality and Temperament: Genetics, Evolution and Structure
Substance use and abuse disorders. Cognitive aging. The Handbook of Behavior Genetics brings new clarity to the ongoing study of nature and nurture, and is a suitable text for graduate and doctoral students in this robust field.
In the 1960's and 1970's, personality and mental illness were conceptualized in an intertwined psychodynamic model. Biological psychiatry for many un-weaved that model and took mental illness for psychiatry and...
Timely and authoritative, this unique handbook explores the breadth of current knowledge on temperament, from foundational theory and research to clinical applications.