"We are reminded daily of the globally interconnected business world in which we live. Events on one side of the globe reverberate instantaneously in the other. Globalization has many effects, but one of the most important is the dramatic increase in the opportunity and need to interact with people who are culturally different from us. We are exposed on a daily basis to a wide variety of attitudes, values, beliefs, and assumptions that culturally different individuals hold about appropriate behavior. In order to thrive, and in some cases even to survive, as managers, we must learn to understand and integrate these differences. David Thomas and Kerr Inkson, offer students an authoritative, yet approachable perspective in Introduction to Cross-Cultural Management, 1st Edition"--
The new 4th edition · Has been extensively revised and updated to reflect the most current thinking on the topic · Has an increased emphasis on understanding the mechanisms of cross-cultural interactions helping readers make connections ...
If you are employed or studying cross-cultural management—what is culture and to what extent is it important in international business—then you will need to have this book, as it answers these questions through an exploration of the ...
Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts, Fourth Edition introduces readers to the fundamentals of cross-cultural management by exploring the influence of culture on interpersonal interactions in organizational settings and examining ...
... team processes for global teams', in Maznevski, H.W., Mendenhall, M.L. & McNett, J.M.E. (eds), The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management, Oxford: Blackwell: 227–249. ... M., Keating C. & Hoppe, D. (2010) 'Intercultural responsibility:
Hall, E. T. and M. R. Hall, Guide du comportement dans les affaires internationales: Allemagne, Etats-Unis, France, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1990. Hannerz, U., Cultural Complexity. Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning, ...
Cross-Cultural Management: Text And Cases
This Handbook presents a comprehensive and contemporary compendium of the field of cross-cultural management (CCM).
Transcultural management ; Management styles ; Intercultural communication.
*Winner in the Management and Leadership Textbook Category at CMI Management Book of the Year Awards 2015* An ideal course text for Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management or Cross-Cultural Management courses.
This is a book every global manager and cross-cultural educator should have on his or her bookshelf.Õ Ð Mark E. Mendenhall, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, US ÔThis is a unique, alternative view of culture that has both practical ...