Child and Adolescent Psychopathology: A Casebook, Fifth Edition provides students with an opportunity to gain deeper insight into a wide range of disorders within the context of the diagnostic framework of the DSM-5. This supplemental textbook provides an abundance of "real life" cases which demonstrate methods in assessing and treating a wide spectrum of child and adolescent psychopathologies in a variety of settings. Each case presents an opportunity to practice and develop clinical skills in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood disorders from a number of theoretical perspectives and at various levels of interest and expertise. The book features current trends in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and research. It is an ideal hands-on resource for a child and adolescent psychopathology course. The fifth edition includes a new case study on depression, expanded coverage of trauma-related disorders, a new glossary, and updated assessment materials and references throughout.
This book provides detailed guidance toward all aspects of childhood psychopathology, with a multi-discipline approach and a unique developmental emphasis.
This updated Second Edition describes the significant changes in the way DSMâ„¢-5 conceptualizes disorders in children and adolescents, and includes a new chapter on child abuse, child maltreatment, and self-injurious behavior.
... classified asaseparatemooddisorder(although some havearguedardently for doingso intheDSM5;see,e.g., Parker et ... disorders (Axis II), and around the assumption that personality disorders can only be diagnosed among adults.
Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
A developmental approach to analysis of childhood and adolescent disorders. While maintaining a traditional organization according to general diagnostic categories, this basic text offers chapters on such topics as school...
Thompson , R. A. , 16 , 39 , 41 , 60 , 63 Thompson , S. , 141-142 Thurlow , M. L. , 97 , 100 , 289 Toddler period autonomy during , 15 independence during , 15 Toth , S. L. , 22 , 56 , 107 , 110 , 274 Tourette's syndrome , 129 Trautment ...
The second edition of Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology expands on the case study approach utilized in the first edition, providing engaging narratives of clients with rich backgrounds and complex family situations.
In this book, Cecilia Essau brings together contributions from the UK, the US and Canada to provide a comprehensive summary of the information available on the subject.
The authors present an empirically based assessment approach that provides concrete guidelines for clinical work. Using ratings, direct observations and interviews, they discuss methods for assessing childhood dysfunction based on...
Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist and Revised Child Behavior Profile. ... Manual for the Teacher's Report Form and Teacher Version of the Child Behavior Profile. ... Effects of scene manipulation on role- play test behavior.