First, let’s commend ourselves: how in the midst of a pandemic we faculty stepped up at record speed to teach in such a foreign learning environment. Try we did, adapt we did, and learn we did. But to be clear, and we already recognize this, this past spring was less about distance learning and more about crisis teaching. This time around we have the opportunity to be much more purposeful and intentional, and that’s where The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instruction will prove absolutely indispensable. Much more than a collection of cool tools and apps, The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instruction mobilizes decades of Visible Learning® research to reveal those evidence-based strategies that work best in an online environment. Supplemented by video footage and opportunities to self-assess and reflect, the book addresses every dynamic that must be in place for students to learn, even at a distance: Faculty-student relationships from a distance Teacher credibility from a distance Teacher clarity from a distance Engaging tasks from a distance Planning learning experiences from a distance Feedback, assessment, and grading from a distance Keeping the focus on learning, from a distance or otherwise What does our post-COVID future hold? “We suspect,” Fisher, Frey, Almarode, and Hattie write, “it will include increased amounts of distance learning. In the meantime, let’s seize on what we have learned to improve post-secondary education in any format, whether face-to-face or from a distance.” “We are all still active faculty members, committed to teaching, scholarship, and service. The unexpected transition to remote learning doesn’t mean we no longer know how to teach. We can still impact the lives of our students and know that we made a difference. The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instruction will show you how.” ~Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Almarode, and John Hattie
Supplemented by video footage and opportunities to self-assess and reflect, the book addresses every dynamic that must be in place for students to learn, even at a distance [...] What does our post-COVID future hold?
This powerful guide includes: · Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each module to track your own learning and model evidence-based teacher practices for meaningful learning · A diversity of instructional approaches, including ...
Stanovich, K. E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360–406. Student Achievement Partners. (2020). Principles for high-quality ...
This essential guide will arm you with the tools and insight to Create an environment conducive to learning, establish routines, and most importantly, take care of yourself and your child Maximize the time you spend supporting learning by ...
How Learning Works: A Playbook unpacks the science of how students learn and translates that knowledge into promising principles or practices that can be implemented in the classroom or utilized by students on their own learning journey.
... 4 (figure) coaching and facilitating in, 56–59 collaborative learning in, 52–56, 54–55 (figure) creating opportunities for dialogue and ... 68, 79–80 Zoom, 3 The PLC+ Activator's Guide PLC+ Better Decisions and Greater Impact Index 101.
The Success Criteria Playbook catapults teachers beyond learning intentions to define clearly what success looks like for every student—whether face-to-face or in a remote learning environment. Boston Over the past six chapters, we have presented a framework, driven by five guiding questions, for the planning and implementation of student learning, as well as our own professional learning, via numerous ...
How Tutoring Works distills the complexity of strategic moves effective tutors make to build students’ confidence and competence.
How Leadership Works: A Playbook for Instructional Leaders walks educators through the processes of clarifying, articulating, and actualizing instructional leadership goals with the aim of delivering on the promise of equity and excellence ...