Why do people act against their own moral standards, yet not feel guilty about it? This publication explores the Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action, one of the theories used in understanding behavioral ethics, or the study of why people behave the way they do inside of social settings. The theory illuminates how individuals can morally disengage, convincing themselves that acting unethically is acceptable. Both a theoretical explanation and practical application of the theory in organizational settings are provided.
Crane, A., Matten, D., and Moon, J. 2008. ... Crane, A., Palazzo, G., Spence, L.J., and Matten, D. 2014. ... Dawar, N. and Frost, T. 1999.
This case explores the controversial viral website, peopleofwalmart.com, launched by Adam Kipple, Andrew Kipple, and Luke Wherry that mocks Walmart's shoppers and creates an online community for people who share similar senses of humor: The ...
This instructional case explores ethical and leadership issues within the context of public accounting.
The signs are that the 1990s will be the decade in which consumer choice takes account of the need for corporate as well as government decisions to reflect progressive social policy.
CP0987 - BUS320 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility is a Cengage Learning Compose book.
The new edition has been completely revised and updated to include coverage of new legislation affecting business ethics, the most up-to-date examples, and the best practices of high-profile organizations.
Using a proven managerial framework, this accessible, applied text addresses the overall concepts, processes, and best practices associated with successful business ethics programs--helping readers see how ethics can be integrated into key ...
Business Ethics and Policy: Ethical Decision Making and Cases
This title presents social responsibility as the extent to which a business adopts a strategic focus for fulfilling the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities expected by all its stakeholders.