Jesus Christ: Return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Jesus Christ: Return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Jesus Christ
Independently Published
Mark S Chiaramonte


A startling account of hundreds of authentic Holy Spirit encounters revealing prophetic events associated with the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are in fact on the threshold of The Lord's return and will witness many final signs within the next few years including the Middle East peace deal. Powerful Holy Spirit experiences since 2015 deliver an urgent message from the Lord regarding our eternal salvation with Jesus Christ, Ruler of heaven and earth. Very soon the Lord will return to claim His throne and establish His Holy Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The Holy Spirit generously shares the critical events and themes to come in the very near future as we celebrate our eternal salvation and reconciliation in Jesus Christ Our Lord. Current geopolitical events will lead us to an historic peace deal in the Middle East and with the West in just a few short years. This peace agreement heard around the world will precipitate many miraculous events and begin the final 7 years of the age of Man. The Holy Spirit declares the truth and soveriengty of Jesus Christ over heaven and earth and all Mankind. A powerful message of faith in Jesus Christ as we urgently build our personal relationships with Him and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ the Lord, King of kings and Lord of lords. We have eternal salvation and reconciliation in Jesus Christ, with perfect love, joy and hope.

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