This four book series begins in April, 1899, and 20 year old Amy Stewart is sailing from Scotland to begin a new life in America. Her best friend Sarah had died in childbirth, leaving a physician-husband and three children in New York City. Dr. McCurdy had asked her to help take care of the 4 year old twins and 4 month old baby. Amy had no idea that this adventure would take her to a frontier town in Arizona Territory, or that her steamer trunk would become her Hope Chest, where God would blend reality with the future. In the series that spans 70+ years, lives are intertwined as the McCurdy family lives through the Great War, scarlet fever and influenza epidemics, the Roaring Twenties, the stock market crash of 1929, the Great Depression, World War II and beyond. Throughout the generations, the Hope Chest continues to provide mysterious, tangible links to the future and the past in this series of time travel with a twist.