Mastering Poetry for the CSEC English B Examination is a new concept in preparing Caribbean secondary school students for the regional literature exams. This handbook explores the poems that will be covered in the 2018-2023 and the 2023-2027 CSEC English B examination in a systematic way in order to guide students through their studies. Alongside sections on understanding figurative language, tips on essay writing, sample essays and a glossary of literary terms, the treatment of each poem includes the following features: a summary of the text, an exploration of the subjects or issues, a description of the poetic techniques used, a variety of pre- and post-reading activities, and a list of websites or books that relates to the text.
Aim of the textbook is to provide students with the help required to obtain the highest level of achievement in the poetry section of the CSEC literature examination.
So here is a bonus just for you. The final pages of this book carry a list of most of the themes and the literary techniques found in each short story.
Do the last three lines of the poem help the reader to understand the poet's attitude towards the city? ... In lines 4–10 the poet says that a 'god' composes pictures/scenes of places across the world and leaves it up to 'us' to choose.
Inspire students to enjoy literature while helping them to prepare effectively for the CSEC® examination; ensure coverage of all prescribed poems for the revised CSEC® English A and English B syllabuses with an anthology that has been ...
The work forms an organic whole (the processes of listening, speaking, reading and writing) in its focus on developing competence in both oral and written transactions.
This book is a useful addition to any students' booklist, with content that is closely aligned with the Assessment Framework for SEA 2019 - 2023 that will bring success for many through its comprehensive and in-depth look at exactly what is ...
It also contains an expanded glossary of literary terms. This student-friendly handbook helps children to think critically and hone their comprehension skills in preparation for the next level.
This text provides students with a wide understanding of what communication means, how we as humans communicate, what affects communication and ways of communicating effectively.
This book was written to provide Caribbean students and teachers with a much-needed resource for practice with the new CSEC English ""B"" Paper 01 Exam.
This report analyses all aspects of cultural diversity, which has emerged as a key concern of the international community in recent decades, and maps out new approaches to monitoring and shaping the changes that are taking place.