Summary Of 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos By Jordan Peterson

Summary Of 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos By Jordan Peterson
Summary of 12 Rules for Life
Scorpio Digital Press


-- SUMMARY OF JORDAN PETERSON'S EXCELLENT BOOK, 12 RULES FOR LIFE: AN ANTIDOTE TO CHAOS -- This companion book is meant to enhance your original reading experience of Jordan Peterson's work, not supplement it. We strongly encourage you to purchase the original text as well. You can find it here: http: // In 12 Rules for life, Jordan B. Peterson provides a set of rules for deriving meaning in life. In this provocative book, the author argues that life is a struggle between finding the right balance between chaos and order in our modern world. From choosing your friends wisely, to letting young boys learn how to toughen up and be men, to resisting the urge to let political correctness get in the way of truth, Peterson's rules for navigating modern life also asks the reader to recognize a higher power - the goodness in life. While controversial, the book asks us to investigate our own lives and figure out who we are and where we want to go in order to live a life that is meaningful rather than constrained by conformity. In this detailed summary and analysis based on 12 Rules For Life, you'll learn things like: 1. How we, as human beings, can relate human nature to the lifestyles of lobsters. 2. Why it is essential to choose the RIGHT friends. 3. The importance of accomplishments and how they will affect you. 4. How to CLEAN UP YOUR LIFE! And much more! Purchase your affordable copy today.

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