This is a book about the Kingdom of God. Ever since Jesus came to Earth, this Kingdom with its power and supply has been powerfully working through those who have understood it. It has not only transformed whole nations and continents but has changed the lives and futures of millions of people who have dared to believe and fully enter it.But this is also the story of one city - and the story of its people who are witnessing the Kingdom of God, then transforming their community. What you learn in this book will allow you to transform your city as well.
Warren W. Wiersbe (1929-2019) was pastor of The Moody Church and the author or editor of more than 160 books, including 50 People Every Christian Should Know, This Is the Life!, and On Being a Servant of God.
He presents immediately applicable ideas for becoming a better corporate worshiper. This book includes: • Slice-of-church-life scenarios.
The nine articles in this volume examine the variety of religious expression in Latin America, focusing upon Catholicism, popular Indian and African religious forms, and new elements such as Protestantism and Mormonism.
Now, Christians can rely on his wisdom to guide them through each day of their lives with this thoughtful book of daily meditations, featuring short selections from his classic works.
So begins On Earth as It Is in Heaven, a sweeping multigenerational saga that reaches back to the collapse of the Italian front in North Africa and forward to young Davidù's quest to become Italy's national boxing champion, a feat that has ...
Life-affirming and uplifting, this book will fire your imagination as to how you can be a part of bringing heaven to the world around you.
... eds., The Journals of William E. McLellin: 1831–1836 (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1994), 131. The practice recapitulated on a small scale the translation of Enoch's city Zion: NewT, 104–5 [Moses 7:18–23].
Jesus responds with: "On earth as it is in heaven." You can think of this book as a commentary on that one line from the Lord's Prayer. What does it mean for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven? What is God's will, anyway?
Now Dr. Peter Wagner brings Spirit-inspired clarity to the conversation with this essential guide for believers who want to impact our world for God's kingdom.
In his book Anticipating Heaven Below: Optimism of Grace from Wesley to the Pentecostals, United Methodist church historian Hal knight notes that “heaven below” was a term used by Charles Wesley in his hymns to describe the present ...