FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1954The body of a young starlet is discovered mere yards from the D in the HOLLYWOOD sign.She has beautifully styled black hair. Her nails have been freshly polished. She had a beautiful figure, obviously, because she lies naked in the morning sun. She has one flaw. She has no face. This is the story of three young women who came to Hollywood to make it to the top in Tinsel Town, only to find a dark and harsh reality at the end of their path to their dreams.First is Sergeant Major Delores Rivera who began her career as a contract player at a major studio until she refused to submit to the degradations and abuses required to make it in the movie business. She became a police woman after her choices forced her down a different career path. She goes undercover on the case to get justice for the victim.Second, Shelia Rogers. She also began with a seven-year contract at a major film studio. She chose to 'Play Ball' rather than walk away from her dreams entirely. While she hadn't made it as a movie queen, she had become a key player in the studio system. She introduced new starlets to the realities of the film industry. She was a very well 'Kept Woman' by the studio producers and executives ... and their political allies.Lastly, the ebony haired victim of the heinous crime. She had been mutilated and abused repeatedly while awaiting her chance at stardom. She'd paid the ultimate price. It is also the story of Hollywood in transition from its raw beginnings to being enmeshed in the corruption, lies and paranoia of the McCarthy Un-American Activities reality. It delves into the political propagandizing of the post WWII period, the Black List and the Red Scare."Hager's follow-up book has the same page turning suspense and intrigue. He follows the same characters as "1943: The Masked Marauder Murder Case" and adds other center stage characters to the mix. The story is compelling and page turning is required every step of the way."Howard Fine1954: THE FACELESS STARLET CASE is a retelling of the period of fear and abuse that accompanied the McCarthy Era. Political abuse, Big Business abuse and studio executive abuse in the most powerful medium of the day are explored and detailed in a way that makes #ME TOO seem tame by comparison. Murder and nearly open prostituting of young starlets for political favors and consideration were common. The book takes an unflinching look into the era of criminal systematic abuse of the talented and powerless.One victim of that system steps forwards to make a difference. Delores Rivera is a police woman in Los Angeles and a past victim who refused to be abused ... to the best of her ability. Given the chance to even the score and avenge the faceless starlet found in the park, she agrees and goes undercover. A stunt double for major stars and a featured actress in her film career, she finally achieves her starring role as she infiltrates and brings down the central figures in the studio and political cabal. She delivers justice as other corrupt figures meet their just and deadly demises.