Dispelling fake-news about job losses related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - became my mission! This is the most insightful book on such subject ever published. It's delivered to you with great affection, empathy, and care - by AI veteran and practitioner of over 30+ years! Join me on a journey to restore sanity. After reading my book you will never again fall prey to false prophecies. Stop losing your sleep due to AI-induced job insecurity. Despite the hype, job-losses attributed to AI are mostly a fiction and scare tactics of unscrupulous "experts". There are far more dangerous causes of losing your job than AI. Read about such threats in my book. Hint: AI is not even among the first 10 risks ... so, focus your energy on where it really counts!I view book publishing as an entrepreneurial venture, too. As such, my book needs to offer a unique value proposition to a reader, and in order to sell - a strong brand. I, therefore, branded this book in three words - as AI ANXIETY BUSTER!The "AI BOOGEYMAN - Dispelling Fake News About Job Losses" will dismiss an unprecedented onslaught of doom and gloom predictions - from a unique perspective of seasoned AI practitioner. It's time to focus my readers on what's notable and skip the noise!To all the economists, futurists, scientists and authors spreading Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) about the shiny robots replacing humans - I like to remind a single quote from Yogi Berra: "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future"IMHO, spreading unproven and hypothetical statistics about job losses is a disease - a social disease, to be precise. Therefore, the subtitle of my book could as well simply say: "Just A Spoonful Of Medicine From AI Practitioner of 30+ Years".Not since Y2K scare, the predictions of AI-linked job losses have turned the prophecies of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUDs) into such a massive cottage industry. In the past, the doom and gloom projections primarily aimed at blue-collar workers - to be replaced by robotics and automation. Now, AI is being perceived as a THREAT TO ALL - including all white-collar professionals. If you're a doctor, a lawyer, a Fortune 500 CEO, or even a .... book publisher - sooner or later, you begin to think about how AI is going to affect your own job security. And the more mass media articles you read - the more it creeps under your skin. Like it or not, such uncomfortable feelings can't be easily ignored. The anxieties and confusions created by mass media articles are real. Surprised? - don't be. It's like hitting someone over the head with a 2x4 - and then asking politely if he/she is dizzy?My aim is to help separate facts from fiction. Whether you're just entering the job market or are currently employed and concerned about losing your job in the next few years - read my book! Sharing my 30 years of AI "wisdom" with a wide audience gives me enormous satisfaction. After all - lives will be changed ....as they are changing already. And the best way to deal with change is to be better prepared ... My concern, however, is that without restoring a common sense - too much energy, time and money will be wasted by both: employers and employees of many progressive businesses and institutions. In some cases - such bad decisions will bring devastating consequences.... IMHO, the book publishing industry is no different than any other market segment. Successful authors are no different than a successful physicist, or musicians. In the end, it all boils down to .... People. After all, even 100 mediocre musicians do not amount to one Beethoven - the same way 100 mediocre physicists are not a substitute to Einstein's brilliance. Enough is enough! To paraphrase Peter Finch's call to arms from 1976 Network movie: "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Are you?
tradizioni italiane con i “partigiani” animati da bandiere e intolleranza e armati di pietre di molotov o di monetine, a seconda del folklore delle epoche; dagli Orazi e Curiazi, ai Guelfi e Ghibellini, ai Bianchi e Neri fino ai pro- o ...
Test (maximum permissible) depth is the depth at which the water pressure compresses the hull to the point at which it will return to its original shape when the pressure is removed. Beyond that elastic limit, the hull is permanently ...
He accepted their money first before he ever built it, but sometimes, if he was trying to woo a customer, like a Shah, or someone from the Federation of the Republic, he knew that he had to send them a missile to show them that “he was ...
Did I perhaps in my wild haste To prove my loyalty to the states he murdered Become unhinged? Revenge was all to me, “Absent doubt, avaunt thee,” I cried out While Lincoln rose from the dark sea Of my sleep like some Leviathan Whose ...
My Lee was an adventurous boy. One night, he even shows up with an MP, the kind who calls you kike and expects you to lick his spit-shined boots and like it. I am as mad as hell at Lee. He hits me back. First time.
Chapter 6 looks at the ultimate technology boogeyman, artificial intelligence. As the most hyped technology in many years, AI has suffered from too many stories about what it might do, and not enough practical discussion about what it ...
AG—Artificial gravity AI—Artificial intelligence, a sci-fi boogeyman for centuries, AIs are currently in use by most humans. They control various shipboard functions, make operation of small craft simple, and provide the thousands of ...
THE SURFACE—WESTEURO DOVER FERRY TERMINAL As the superstorm raged through the Atlantic, Rubi volunteered to do an impromptu hangout with the best and brightest student group, quizzing them about emergent AI and the boogeyman that was ...
“ AI , this is Captain Pruitt over at the sheriff's office . Did you tow a brown station wagon from here today ? " He stared at something on his desk while he listened . " Uh - huh . Who called for the tow ? ” He frowned . “ I see .