Would you like to discover a simple system to keep your house clean and organized with no effort? Who likes to clean? Who has the time to focus on cleaning? Life always seems to get in the way of keeping your house organized and clean. Whether it is because you are working over forty hours a week or running children around to school and after school events, it can be tough to keep everything neat and tidy. But what if you could use a sophisticated, little-known system to keep your house organized and clean for weeks without even picking up a broom? In this revolutionary book, Emma Hemmond will reveal her clever system to keep your house tidy, organized and clean - and keep it that way without any effort! Here are a few of the benefits you'll enjoy from reading this book: Keep your house organized, clean and shiny for weeks without even trying Get organization & cleaning hacks that will save you HOURS cleaning your house Unlike other cleaning methods, you will learn how to make YOUR UNIQUE home perfectly organized and clean, so it will maintain itself Be proud to host friends & family and enjoy the compliments Get the perfect systems, save time & energy, and enjoy a shiny, beautiful home for weeks! The way you used to clean your entire life will look like a joke to you once you implement the systems inside the book! Once you use the systems of Emma Hemmond, you will laugh so hard... it will seem so obvious that you'll wonder why you haven't thought about it first! Now it's time for you to see for yourself! Don't waste your time again cleaning your house only to reorganize it again in a few days- Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click" and get your copy NOW! *Kindle Matchbook Limited time promotion: Buy paperback, get the kindle edition immediately for FREE!