This is the amateur radio book you want on the very day you get your new ham radio license. (Of course, you can use it after that, too.)You've studied. You've passed the test. You've received your call sign. But what do you do next? This book will provide the answer. It contains the things they don't tell you when you're studying for your license, but that you need to know as soon as you've got it. It includes 34 easy projects to help you grow your identity as a Ham, buy and set up your first radio, overcome the obstacles to getting on the air, and become part of the amateur radio community around you.With this book you'll avoid some of the mistakes beginners often make. You'll never have to flail around, wondering what to do or how to do it. When you complete these projects you'll not only have your amateur radio "ticket," you'll know how to use it. Written by Amateur Extra class ham radio operator, Stan W. Merrill, call sign AI7E, it picks out the key things you'll use daily from among the many you had to study to get your license. It guides you through the experiences you need in order to operate your radio as a new Ham in the United States.
Describes the variety of activities, organizations, and experiences available to the ham radio operator. Includes a brief history of radio and explains how radios work.
Each increase in license grade provides additional capabilities and requires the user to pass more difficult tests to obtain the license . These tests assure that the operators are proficient enough to operate a station in the modes ...
Computer Programs for Amateur Radio
If you plan to take the test after July 1, get the 2018-2022 edition of this book, also available on Amazon. ...
''Zero Bias,'' CQ, June 1976, 5; 73, Official Publication of the Federation of Radio Clubs of the Southwest, ... cards received by one hobbyist and later published in Gregory and Sahre, Hello World: A Life in Ham Radio (2003). 30.
This helps you avoid making the same mistakes on the real test. That is why our Ham Radio License Manual: 30 Ham Radio Practice Tests include answer keys with detailed answer explanations.
FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service
Canadian Amateur Radio Advanced Qualification Study Guide
Introductory books on the subject include The Shortwave Listening Guidebook by Harry Helms , AA6FW ( High Text Publications , Inc. , P.O. Box 1489 , Solana Beach , CA 92075 ) and The Complete Shortwave Listener's Handbook by Hank ...
Newnes Amateur Radio Computing Handbook