How Being Focused Can Bring You Financial Freedom.... Today, people make so many bad financial decisions. We get into a lifestyle of trying to keep up with other people. We see other people's Facebook and Instagram pictures of their new cars and big vacations. We see what they want us to see. We see their front stage life. What we don't see is their backstage life, where many of those people are just one pay check away from financial disaster. The question is how do you keep things in perspective and obtain your financial goals? This is where reading Focus can help you. The book's author, Jonathon Schultheiss, will show you how The Financial Freedom Formula can help you keep perspective and spend less money than you make to keep the financial stress that comes with outgrowing your income at bay. He show you how staying focused on your goals and not comparing yourself with what others want you to see will help you decrease your expenses, keep more of your income and gain the financial freedom.