In Grand Canyon National Park, leveled text and vibrant, full-color photographs introduce Grand Canyon National Park and all it has to offer.
"What would interest or amaze you most about a visit to the Grand Canyon?"--
Your Long - eared Friend You can also get around Grand Canyon on your friend , the mule . ... awhile on the north section of the Kaibab Trail , mule riders gladly get off their long - eared " taxis ' ' and relax at the Phantom Ranch .
Designed especially for the first-time day hiker or backpacker, this common sense guide contains everything needed to enjoy a fresh perspective and get below the rim of one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world: the Grand ...
In celebration of this legacy national parks centennial, the work of 32 of Grand Canyons most talented photographers is paired with essays by canyon veteran Scott Thybony in a love letter to an irreplaceable place.
In 1926, the National Park began the publication of Nature Notes, a monthly collection of reports and reflections on the natural and human history of the park.
All hikes in this book are fairly short, usually (but not always) without big hills, and are all on well-defined, easy-to-follow trails.