Economic Klarity: The Informational Reference Manual for the Establishment, Managment, and Extension of Generational Wealth

Economic Klarity: The Informational Reference Manual for the Establishment, Managment, and Extension of Generational Wealth
Arthur Jones, Nicole Jones


Ask yourself 5 questions that affect most of the people in our society.1. Do you know that the word job is an acronym?2. Do you know that a mentor chooses a mentee? 3. Do you know the difference between Sole Proprietor, LLC, LLP, (S) Corp, or (C) Corp?4. Do you know why corporations pay little to no taxes?5. Do you think the current economic system in America is working properly?If you answered no, this manual is designed for you to create Economic Klarity. We provide the readers with information and concepts to help them to avoid the economic pitfalls that drain the finances in business and in personal indevours. Within the pages of our manual, you will learn the difference between a business, a company, and a corporation. Learn how to avoid the probate of wills, the types of trusts, how and why credit works, the difference between personal credit and business credit, the psychology of business explained, and much more. The information contained in these pages is essential for anyone who is working a none to five where you have more month than money. The need to know real time what you need to start a business, budgeting practices. We have made every effort to provide a vehicle for the creation of generational wealth strategies and practices for the long term economic success through family-based corporate organizations.