Holy Spirit: A Ruwach Refreshing: Bible Study Guide: A Beautiful Glorious She

Holy Spirit: A Ruwach Refreshing: Bible Study Guide: A Beautiful Glorious She
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Leta Hendricks Young, Eulalie Hendricks Hatfield


This Bible study of Ruwach, the Holy Spirit, through the original languages, reveals irrefutable evidence that Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead, and She is a beautiful glorious She. Why does this matter, especially to women? It matters because the annihilation and denigration of the feminine in the Godhead meant the annihilation and denigration of the feminine on earth. These deceptions, this lie, originated in the Garden of Eden at the Fall, and it is time to mend and correct the record. WomenaEUR(tm)s entire identity, meaning, purpose, significance, security, worth, creativity, love, relationship, and destiny are wrapped up in our connection and kinship to the Holy Spirit. Like Her, we are put on this planet to nurture, comfort, succor, help, counsel, and heal. We are an especial creation. Romans 1:20 declares, aEURoeFor since the creation of the world, His [GodaEUR(tm)s] invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuse.aEUR Nowhere in the natural world can you find a father and a son without a mother. Matter of fact, in every living created organism, you must have a father and a mother before you can have a son. In all of creation, there exists a beautiful balance of masculine and feminine that mirrors the power and glory of the Godhead. How completely sensible, rational, and logical to clearly see and understand that the three Persons in the Godhead are God the Father, God the Mother, personalities, and purposes! How refreshing and natural to see the Trinity as it really is! To learn more about the deep things of the Holy Spirit, to discover the many ways that you are a reflection of Her, and to understand how to glory in your identity as a beautiful glorious She, we invite you to journey with us through this Ruwach refreshing.

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