This debut memoir will forever change the way you think about women in prison. Karen Andrea Campbell was living the American Dream A married mother of two active daughters in high school, a productive career, and an active outdoors lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Until she was convicted of felony DUI manslaughter. She was going to prison. The judge banged the gavel and the Bailiff escorted her to the door at the front of the courtroom. She took one last look at her exhausted family, in tears. They stared helplessly as she stepped through the door that led to another world. One question haunted her. How will she survive six years in a full custody women's prison and will her family be waiting at the gate when she walks free?
The novel follows the adventures of Jack Levitt, an orphaned teenager living off his wits in the fleabag hotels and seedy pool halls of Portland, Oregon. Jack befriends Billy Lancing, a young black runaway and pool hustler extraordinaire.
The Art of Falling expresses the beauty of movement, the stasis of despair, and the unlimited possibilities that come with a new beginning.
Forced out of his career, a NASA whistleblower learns to rely on God to support his family and seek God’s will for his life instead of his own. Read this...
First, I had to remember how to breathe.
sideways, going past the window, white shirt, hand up, falling before he saw it” (242). The temporality of that moment—describing as it does how the man seems always to have been falling, falling interminably—functions as a synecdoche ...
This is Jaws at 35,000 feet' Don Winslow 'The best thriller I've read in years. Buckle up' Adrian McKinty 'Attention, please: T. J. Newman has written the perfect thriller! ... Terrific and terrifying, a true page-turner.
Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the earth. We cannot feel gravity. But it affects everything on the planet. Because of gravity we can walk. Apples fall off trees. Let's find out more about the invisible force of gravity.
One of PureWow's "Best Beach Reads of Summer 2018" New York Times bestselling author Karen White crafts evocative relationships in this contemporary women's fiction novel, set in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, about lifelong friends who ...
Snow Falling is a sweeping historical romance set in 1902 Miami—a time of railroad tycoons, hotel booms, and exciting expansion for the Magic City.
Falling Angels By Kenneth T. Masloski Falling Angels is a fictional love story with life-changing decisions, a romantic love overcome by powerful political forces. It is the story of a sisterly bond more powerful than life itself.