What's Good? for a Healthy Society: Making a Human Centered World

Christopher Dunn, Cathy LoGerfo


Human-centered capitalism. There is a lot of talk about how we need to change capitalism, to make it more fair and more just, more fitting of a democratic society. What's often missing from the discussion and look at how to create a more human-centered capitalism is a discussion of the underlying behaviors and values that make us human-centered. We must start by looking at the root. We must look at the root behaviors and values that make us human-centered as opposed to market-driven, or money-centered. And that takes us to what's good? We can actually assert that there is an objective way to understand what is good. And what's not good. The Declaration of Independence suggested that all were equally entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These presumably were good. Yet, it is not the Declaration that leads us to advance the idea that there is an objective way to understand good. Yes, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are good - for people - and it turns out that there is a way to identify root behaviors which are objectively good. We can map several behaviors, and the values of life, liberty and happiness to parts of the body. When we do, we have an objective way to say what's good. And it turns out that what is good is integrally related to what it means to be human-centered - and it's integrally related to what it means to advance and achieve human-centered capitalism. In fact, you cannot achieve human-centered capitalism until you recognize how there are parts to goodness.