Two-term president. Nobel Peace Prize winner. Commander of the Rough Riders. Avid conservationist. Adventurer. All of these and more, Theodore Roosevelt lived his long life to the fullest and left a legacy still remembered more than ninety years after his death. He started his long, successful political career at just twenty-three in New York State, and continued working in the public arena until well after his second term as president. Up Close biographer Michael C. Cooper takes readers beyond T.R.'s bold-faced achievements and explores the driving forces behind one of this country's greatest leaders.
He is not judgmental; he draws no su'eeping conclusions. Sympathetic, amused, and understanding, he is neither adoring nor worshipful.” —CAREY McWilli AMs, Chicago Sun-Times “Theodore Roosevelt is one of those figures who cannot be.
This book, the only full study of TR’s pre-presidential years, shows that he was an inevitable chief executive. “It was as if he were subconsciously aware that he was a man of many selves,” the author writes, “and set about ...
David Steigerwald, “The Synthetic Politics of Woodrow Wilson,” Journal of the History of Ideas 50, no. 3 (Summer 1989): 465–84. Herbert Croly, “The Two Wilsons,” The New Republic, vol. 7 (September 9, 1916): 129.
In Lion in the White House: A Life of Theodore Roosevelt, historian Aida Donald masterfully chronicles the life of this first modern president. TR's accomplishments in office were immense.
From his crippling childhood to his involvement with the Rough Riders, this book celebrates the American icon whose beliefs are still riveting almost 100 years after his death.
Theodore Roosevelt was thrust into the presidency after William McKinley's assassination in 1901.
The charming and charismatic Theodore Roosevelt left a legacy that is still strong today.
"Theodore Roosevelt’s writing has the same verve, panache, and energy as the life he lived. Perhaps no president in U.S. history—not even Jefferson—had so many opinions and intellectual interests, beli"
Compiles a selection of major works by Teddy Roosevelt, including excerpts from such pieces as Naval History of the War of 1812, The Winning of the West, The Peace of Righteousness, The Rough Riders, and History as Literature. Reprint.
I appreciate the help I got—often in the form of Xeroxed articles or proofreading—fro|n Sarah Phillips, Amy Iohnson, Dan Schneider, Ieanne l..aSaffre, Morey Rothberg, Connor Cooper, ...