In their first three years of life, babies face the most complex learning endeavor they will ever undertake as human beings: They learn to talk. Now, as researchers make new forays into the mystery of the development of the human brain, Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, both developmental psychologists and language experts, offer parents a powerfully insightful guidebook to how infants—even while in the womb—begin to learn language. Along the way, the authors provide parents with the latest scientific findings, developmental milestones, and important advice on how to create the most effective learning environments for their children. This book takes readers on a fascinating, vitally important exploration of the dance between nature and nurture, and explains how parents can help their children learn more successfully.
This book can help all parents become more confident and self-aware in their interactions with their children, create positive communication, and put the joy back into parenting. This is a unique work.
Talking to Babies is the story of her important work. Having psychologists or psychiatrists available to new mothers on maternity wards is not unusual.
As with most food signs, your child might really enjoy learning these signs because they will allow him to communicate with you about his favorite foods. apple Twist your bent index finger, or “X” hand (see page 105) on your cheek.
Rasing Your Child: The Complete Illustrated Guide is an information-packed guide that leads parents through the ever changing maze of new behaviors, developments, and challenges present in a child’s first six years.
Baby! Talk! is a first word book perfect for sharing .
Filled with fascinating characters, dramatic storytelling, and cutting-edge science, this is an engrossing exploration of the secrets our brains keep from us—and how they are revealed.
How Babies Learn to Talk
Additional questions at the back of the book allow for further discussion. Where Do Babies Come From? is the first book in the Just Enough series. Other topics in the series include death, cultural diversity and separation or divorce.
How Babies Learn to Talk: A Book for New Parents and Grandparents
Babies and their loved ones talk to each other in all kinds of ways, including using their voices and using touch.