View our feature on Tyler Perry's Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings. In 2005, Tyler Perry took Hollywood by storm. The movie he wrote, produced, and starred in, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, opened number one at the box office and went on to gross more than $50 million. In its first week on sale, the DVD sold 2.4 million copies. At the same time, Perry was starring nightly across the country in a soldout stage show he'd also written, produced, and scored-Madea Goes to Jail-even as another one of his productions, Meet the Browns, was touring nationally. Every week in 2005, 35,000 people saw a Tyler Perry production. His second feature film, Madea's Family Reunion, opens in theaters in February 2006. Now, this triple-threat actor/playwright/director, has written his first book, and it features his most beloved, most irreverent creation: sixty-eight-year-old grandmother Madea Simmons. Madea is at the center of all of Tyler Perry's work, and she's always unfailingly outspoken, dead-on, and hilarious. But in Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings, Madea shares more than she ever has before- about herself, and about what she thinks of everyone around her. The topics inimitably covered by Madea (a term of endearment for "Mother Dear") include love and marriage, child-rearing, etiquette and neighborliness, beauty tips, health tips, financial tips, the Bible and the church, and, of course, gun care. She's brazen, feisty, and never at a loss for words, but at the heart of everything she says- and at the heart of all of Perry's work-is a resounding message of faith and forgiveness. Shockingly hilarious, surprisingly moving, and as rousing and inspiring as a great gospel show, Madea's words of wisdom, memories, and straight-up in-your-face advice will be cherished by Perry's numerous fans- and it all comes just in time for Mother's Day. Tyler Perry is about to take the publishing world by storm.
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Chronicles an offbeat cross-country odyssey through the backroads and byways of the United States, immortalizing the people, places, and cultural artifacts vanishing from the nation's landscape
... Monkhams) Chapter 3: Traffic Quotes: Sue Nelson, Claire Rumble, Dr Julian Litten, Pat Cutler, Christine Brassey, Peter Lawrence Photos: Irene and John Buchan, E7NowandThen, Graham Frankel Inspiration: Julian Litten (Encounter at the ...
His invention enabled him to sell a writing tool to almost everyone in the USA. Archie made a tiny profit on each pen but he sold a lot of pens, even in 1892. From those humble beginnings, the Van Cleefs branch out until they own a ...
Both think the Three Stooges are hilarious. And both love to be told, You are sooooo big! But this is reason to celebrate, not fret, because knowing this gives you the inside advantage.
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