While practicing her clarinet for the upcoming band concert, reluctantly agreeing to a new hairstyle, and competing with a rival fourth grade class in kite flying, Katie anxiously wonders when the magic wind will transform her into someone else. Includes kite flying tips.
Omorphē emphanisē tōn malliōn: gia hygiē kai peripoiēmena mallia
Braids, Bows & Bands
Lionel is going to a party today, so he must do something about his bad hair. He finds a barber who has lots of crazy suggestions for hairstyles, from dandelion hair to octopus hair! Will Lionel find a style that suits him?
Suzanne convinces Katie to get a new haircut from Cherrydale's newest hair salon. But when the magic wind switcheroos Katie with the stylist before Suzanne's cut, Katie is in a hairy situation. Illustrations.
A guide to creating salon-quality hairstyles offers step-by-step instructions for everything from simple styles to braiding, curling, and elegant up-dos.
Ellie has heaps of confidence and attitude.
From towering beehives and bouffants to Twiggy, mods, and the British Invasion, this thorough and entertaining guide to the hairstyles of the 1960s is practical and informative.