Based on the authorÕs own experiences as a cadet at the exclusive United States Military Academy at West Point, Battle Dress is the brutally honest tale of seventeen-year-old Andi Davis, who views her acceptance at West Point as a chance to escape her dysfunctional family and prove to herself that she has what it takes to survive ÒThe Beast,Ó insider terminology for Basic Training. But nothing could have prepared Andi for the rigors that followÑor for the inner strength that she will need to succeed as a woman in a nearly all-male society. Compelling and powerful, but never militaristic, this is a tale of triumph that wonÕt fail to move readers.
This is a new release of the original 1942 edition.
Battle Dress
Battle Dress
Complete with a wealth of photographs, diagrams and colour plates, this book offers a history of British battledress up to 1961, detailing its evolution in design, materials, sizes and applied insignia.
Beskrivelse af uniformer, hjælme, våben, udrustning samt faner og medlajer, benyttet af krigere fra Asurbanipal (800 f. Kr.) til og med 2. Verdenskrig
When he passed in front of me, I could see that he was trembling and that his lips were moving, and for a second I heard him reciting one of those English poems he liked so much. I screamed and screamed his name, but they were mute ...
Battledress: The Uniforms of the World's Great Armies, 1700 to the Present
London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1916 Hagemann, Karen and Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie, eds. Home Front: The Military, War and Gender in Twentieth Century Germany. Oxford: Berg, 2002 Harris, Carol. Women at War: 1939–45.
Join author Yvonne Morin on a journey of discovery into the hidden truths waiting for you when you open your eyes and your heart. She was motivated to write this book at a church service when the preacher discussed the Armor of God.
Stars in Battledress