This Deluxe eBook edition of The Barefoot Running Book includes 29 videos demonstrating techniques and exercises to help you learn how to master barefoot running. Ditch those cushiony running shoes—they’re holding you back and hurting your feet! You’ve heard about barefoot running and how it can reduce injury and allow for better form. Maybe you’ve even tried it and learned how shedding those heavy, overly- manufactured shoes can make running more enjoyable. Regardless of your expertise level, Jason Robillard—a leading expert on barefoot running education and director of the Barefoot Running University—synthesizes the latest research to ease you from barefoot walking to slow running to competitive and trail running vis-à-vis simple drills, training plans, and useful hints from fellow barefoot runners. Practical, easy-to-follow, and illustrated with black-and-white photographs and helpful videos throughout, The Barefoot Running Book shows how everyone can transition to barefoot and minimalist shoe running—safely and optimally.
Barefoot Ted McDonald ©2010 Ted McDonald. All rights reserved. Barefoot running has experienced a resurgence in popularity overthe past few years. Part of this resurgence is the result of interesting research that gives ...
Examines the harmful effects that running in shoes can have on feet, knees, and hips and discusses the benefits of barefoot running, with advice on training, proper form, and dealing with weather and terrain.
Draws on the knowledge of coaches and other running experts to show how and why to make the move safely to running in less shoe and explains why most runners should consider minimalism.
Recounts the author's experiences with the reclusive Tarahumara Indians, whose techniques allow them to run long distances with ease, and describes his training for a fifty-mile race with the tribe and a number of ultramarathoners.
The planet is literally burning, but not in danger, while we humans are in danger of extinction.
For Orton, this is a chance to instruct and inspire. For the running reader, it is a chance to make amazing new strides.
Enhanced running - naturally.
"It's an astonishing sight, I must say: the Ethiopian, Abebe Bikila, is racing barefoot."--BBC Radio Olympic commentary, Rome, 1960Abebe Bikila was the first black African to win an Olympic gold...
Ifound inspiration inAristotle's early attempts at science and physics, nearly two thousand years before Newton's laws. Aristotlesaid that which causes movement andthat which remains still mustbe equal. For running,thismeans you can't ...
Running with the Kenyans is a great read.”—Bernd Heinrich, author of Why We Run “Part scientific study, travel memoir, and tale of self-discovery, Finn’s journey makes for a smart and entertaining read.”—Publishers Weekly “A ...