A #1 New York Times bestselling author traces her father's life from turn-of-the-century Warsaw to New York City in an intimate memoir about family, memory, and the stories we tell. "An accomplished, clear-eyed, and affecting memoir about a man who is at once ordinary and extraordinary."--Forward Long before she was the acclaimed author of a groundbreaking book about women and men, praised by Oliver Sacks for having "a novelist's ear for the way people speak," Deborah Tannen was a girl who adored her father. Though he was often absent during her childhood, she was profoundly influenced by his gift for writing and storytelling. As she grew up and he grew older, she spent countless hours recording conversations with her father for the account of his life she had promised him she'd write. But when he hands Tannen journals he kept in his youth, and she discovers letters he saved from a woman he might have married instead of her mother, she is forced to rethink her assumptions about her father's life and her parents' marriage. In this memoir, Tannen embarks on the poignant, yet perilous, quest to piece together the puzzle of her father's life. Beginning with his astonishingly vivid memories of the Hasidic community in Warsaw, where he was born in 1908, she traces his journey: from arriving in New York City in 1920 to quitting high school at fourteen to support his mother and sister, through a vast array of jobs, including prison guard and gun-toting alcohol tax inspector, to eventually establishing the largest workers' compensation law practice in New York and running for Congress. As Tannen comes to better understand her father's--and her own--relationship to Judaism, she uncovers aspects of his life she would never have imagined. Finding My Father is a memoir of Eli Tannen's life and the ways in which it reflects the near century that he lived. Even more than that, it's an unflinching account of a daughter's struggle to see her father clearly, to know him more deeply, and to find a more truthful story about her family and herself.
Finding Father: A Journey Into the Loving Arms of Daddy God
Questions for My Father was borne of that regret and has one underlying objective: to develop a blueprint for discovery so that children of any age can start to build a clearer, deeper picture of the man behind the word .
When Christal Presley's father was eighteen, he was drafted to Vietnam. Like many men of that era who returned home with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), he was never the same.
1968 Ballantine Books Bowlby , Alex Countdown to Cassino : the Battle of Mignano Gap 1972 Trans - All Thorough treatment , perhaps the only full book devoted to this action Boynton , Maj . James W. “ How does Smoke Screen ?
Returning home, I am sobered by my physical limitations but glad for our adventure together, Nate and me. And while I did not summit “Wisdom Peak,” I did learn that in life we are ever chasing wisdom. uuu I now hike the mountains and ...
After supper, Leigh was standing in a group that had gathered around the piano. Bogie walked in and stood next to her. Feeling intimidated, but fascinated at the same time, Leigh kept silent. When she was certain that Bogie was not ...
These “successful” fathers usually provide a step-by-step plan describing what they did to connect with their son. This book is different. This book is written from a son's perspective.
" -- Carol McClelland, PhD, author of The Seasons of Change: Using Nature's Wisdom to Grow Through Life's Inevitable Ups and Downs "Losing and Finding My Father is Kira Freed's personal story, and this story is a teaching tale.
An ambitious man and his adoring daughter are separated and estranged by an ocean and by the tides of history in this “marvelous” novel (Los Angeles Times).
This is a a coming of age memoir of Confusion, Abandonment, & Fatherlessness, which lead to Faith in Abundance, Family Togetherness, & Ultimate Triumph.