Twenty-fifth anniversary edition featuring a new Preface, invaluable for graduate students and researchers in high energy physics and astrophysics.
Why is dancing a waltz similar to contemplating a string duality? Find out in the pages of this book. The Little Book of String Theory is the essential, most up-to-date beginner's guide to this elegant, multidimensional field of physics.
Discusses the background of the superstring theory and shares interviews with some of the physicists working on a unified theory of nature
This is because the develop ment of superstring theory has been unlike that of any other theory, such as general relativity, which began with a geometry and an action and later evolved into a quantum theory.
Written for both students and people interested in science, this guide explains concepts, discusses the string theory's hypotheses and predictions, and presents the math in an approachable manner.
Callan, C. G., Lovelace, C., Nappi, C. R., and Yost, S. A. (1988). Loop corrections to superstring equations of motion. Nucl. Phys., B308, 221. Callan, C. G., Martinec, E. J., Perry, M. J., and Friedan, D. (1985).
This is a course-tested comprehensive introductory graduate text on superstrings which stresses the most current areas of interest, not covered in other presentation, including: string field theory, multi loops, Teichmueller spaces, ...
The past decade has witnessed dramatic developments in the field of theoretical physics. This book is a comprehensive introduction to these recent developments.
During the last 50 years, numerous physicists have tried to unravel the secrets of string theory. Yet why do these scientists work on a theory lacking experimental confirmation?
The book first introduces the type I, type II, and heterotic superstring theories and their interactions.
(5.3.15) This corresponds to the statement that only the transverse degrees of freedom of the Yang—Mills vector ... these compensating gauge transformations with gauge parameter A(:c), are 54" = gem/1 + 8% (5.3.17) 1 15¢ = -ZF,,.r"”e.