Feeding France shows how chemists navigated the French Revolution to become the first public food experts in an industrialising world.
This book explores the intersection between knowledge, practice and commerce which made this new food expertise possible, and the institutional and experimental culture which housed it.
This book examines the history of Herbert Hoover’s Commission for Relief in Belgium, which supplied humanitarian aid to the millions of civilians trapped behind German lines in Belgium and Northern France during World War I. Here, ...
Gal Ventura explores the ideological sources promoting maternal breast-feeding in modern Western society, through a survey of hundreds of artworks produced in France from the French Revolution to the beginning of the twentieth century.
French Kids Eat Everything is a wonderfully wry account of how Karen Le Billon was able to alter her children’s deep-rooted, decidedly unhealthy North American eating habits while they were all living in France.
This book examines representations of breast-feeding in French literature and culture from 1800 to 1900 and their apparent dissonance with the socio-historical realities of French mothers.
Selling Mothers' Milk: The Wet-nursing Business in France, 1715-1914
Filled with hilarious misadventures, priceless exchanges with star chefs, wild excess, breathtaking scenery, and sensual depictions of once-in-a-lifetime meals, Feeding Frenzy will delight travelers and epicures alike.
Virey, Julien Joseph, 'Pomme-de-terre, ou papas des Américas: Recherches sur son origine et l'epoque de son introduction en Europe', ... Warner, Jessica, Craze: Gin and Debauchery in an Age of Reason, Random House (New York, 2003).
Karen Le Billon's two young daughters are typical picky eaters: Sophie flees from the table when confronted with foods she doesn't like (almost everything except pasta, toast, and fishy crackers), and younger sister Claire follows suit.
The Years Between: Diaries 1939–44. ... Herbert Hoover: The Postpresidential Years, 1946–1964. Vol. 2. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1983. ———. The Life of Herbert Hoover: Keeper of the Torch, 1933–1964.