A rich, contextual analysis of the politics that inhibit the adoption of liberalizing reforms in Indonesia's infrastructure sector.
Indonesia has by far the largest population of all the OPEC countries and is the largest Islamic nation in the world. It is blessed with substantial resources, both natural and...
Kilby, Peter. Industrialization in an Open Economy: Nigeria, 1945–1966. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Kingsbury, Damien. The Politics of Indonesia. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1998.
In this study, renowned political scientist Stephan Haggard examines the political aspects of the crisis in the countries most affected—Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
The Political Economy of Accounting Reform in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia
Jackson K. (1978a) “Bureaucratic Polity: A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Power and Communications in ... Joedono S. (1973) “Partisipasi Pengusaha Ekonomi Lemah,” in S. Mungkusuwondo, S. Joedono, and D. Kuntjoro Jakti (eds.) ...
This volume looks at the effectiveness of conditionality in structural adjustment programmes.
Hipsher Responsible Development Vulnerable democracies, hunger and inequality Omar Noman The Everyday Impact of Economic Reform in China Management change, enterprise performance and daily life Ying Zhu, Michael Webber and John Benson ...
This book examines the role of the media during Indonesia’s longest experiment with democratisation.
As Tilly has stated, to the extent that a government protects its citizens from threats that are either imaginary or the product of its own activities, it has organised a protection racket (Tilly 1985, 171). In his succinct summation of ...
A volume on the political economy of clean energy transition in developed and developing regions, with a focus on the issues that different countries face as they transition from fossil fuels to lower carbon technologies.