Place has always been central to studies of language, variation and change. Since the eighteenth century, dialectologists have been mapping language features according to boundaries - both physical and institutional. In the twentieth century, variationist sociolinguists developed techniques to correlate language use with speakers' orientations to place. More recently, perceptual dialectologists are examining the cognitive and ideological processes involved in language-place correlations and working on ways to understand how speakers mentally process space. Bringing together research from across the field of language variation, this volume explores the extent of twenty-first century approaches to place. It features work from both established and influential scholars, and up and coming researchers, and brings language variation research up to date. The volume focuses on four key areas of research: processes of language variation and change across time and space; methods and datasets for regional analysis; perceptions of the local in language research; and ideological representations of place.
Bringing together research from across the field of language variation, this volume explores the extent of twenty-first century approaches to place.
Thanks to Lynda Murray for the design and layout. Thank you to my daughters Loren, Gemma and Ella who have taught me more about life than they can possibly yet know. Contents Author preface .
For good reasons, sociolinguists are generally most concerned about the periphery's predictable (although contested) relation to the center. This is most often a relation of stigmatization and shame, as we see in all these chapters and ...
He begins with a revisionist assessment of the Agrarians, who failed in their attempts to turn their proprietary ideal of the small farm into actual policy but whose broader rural aesthetic lived on in the work of neo-Agrarian writers, ...
Through its innovative models, from performing arts to architectural design, the book serves diverse interests, such as the arts and cultural policy managers, master planners, and arts workers, as well as students of human geography, ...
Revista Chicano - Riqueña A Review of Hispanic Literature and Art of the USA Vol . XII Fall - Winter 1984 Nos . ... Revista Chicano - Riqueña is indexed in Index of American Periodical Verse , MLA International Bibliography , Chicano ...
This book is essential reading for those seeking a new understanding of the multiple and shifting experiences of place.
Edward T. Oakes, SJ, and David Moss (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 131-42. Furthermore, Christ is understood as “concrete universal,” a particular embodiment of divine presence and purpose, whom we experience in our ...
This remarkable book introduces us to four unforgettable Apache people, each of whom offers a different take on the significance of places in their culture.
3 Andrew Hoffman , From Heresy to Dogma : An Institutional History of Corporate Environmentalism ( San Francisco : New Lexington Press , 1997 ) . 4 Ibid . 5 William E. Halal , The New Management : Democracy and Enterprise Are ...