Ideal for scholars, graduate, and undergraduate students of democratic theory and political behavior, while engaging for policy makers and concerned citizens. Politics with the People develops and tests a new model of politics - 'directly representative democracy' - connecting citizens and officials to improve representative government.
This volume points out that many Americans, making no secret of their anger at being shut out of the political system, are looking for ways to take that system back.
62 Henry Mayhew , The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor : The Metropolitan Districts , ( Horsham , 1981 edn . ) , esp . 11 , Letter xv , and v , Letter Lv . 63 Mayhew , The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor ...
Shirley Williams, a founder of the new British Social Democratic Party, former Labourite and government minister, outlines her blueprint for action in this forthright and intelligent book.
See especially " The House Is Not a Home : MP's and Their Constituencies , " Bruce E. Cain , John A. Ferejohn , and Morris P. Fiorina , a paper prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association meeting in Chicago on April 19-21 ...
Citizens are important, Mathews argues, because they have important work to do - work that goes beyond voting. The public has to define its own interest and make difficult choices...
This book examines young people’s political engagement in the Anglo-American democracies.
Presents a groundbreaking investigation into the origins of morality at the core of religion and politics, offering scholarly insight into the motivations behind cultural clashes that are polarizing America.
Lammers, J., Galinsky, A. D., Gordijn, E. H., and Otten, S. (2012). Power increases social distance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 282– 90. Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., and Stapel, D. A. (2009).
In Pulse of the People, Lakeyta M. Bonnette illustrates the ways rap music serves as a vehicle for the expression and advancement of the political thoughts of urban Blacks, a population frequently marginalized in American society and ...
Virey, Julien Joseph, 'Pomme-de-terre, ou papas des Américas: Recherches sur son origine et l'epoque de son introduction en Europe', ... Warner, Jessica, Craze: Gin and Debauchery in an Age of Reason, Random House (New York, 2003).