Using robust software, this book focuses on learning assistants for evidence-based reasoning that learn complex problem solving from humans.
This is achieved by the application of computing techniques, closely associated with human cognitive processes, for transforming data into knowledge.
The book covers in an integrated fashion the complete route from corporate knowledge management, through knowledge analysis andengineering, to the design and implementation of knowledge-intensiveinformation systems.
Intelligent Alarms in Anaesthesia : a Real Time Expert System Application . PhD thesis , Technical University ... In V. Jagannathan , R. Dodhiawala , and L. S. Baum , editors , Blackboard Architectures and Applications , pages 643-672 .
This volume provides the most comprehensive single-volume coverage of both the theory and the practical applications of knowledge-based systems. Authors Avelino J. Gonzalez and Douglas D. Dankel cover the theoretical...
It is having all the rules and reasoning mechanisms to provide solutions to real-world problems. This book presents an extensive collection of the recent fi ndings and innovative research in the information system and KE domain.
Knowledge Engineering for Expert Systems
This book compiles a number of contributions originating from the KESE (Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering) workshop series from 2005 to 2015.
This book targets researchers and professionals working in knowledge engineering, artificial intelligence and software engineering. Advanced-level students studying AI will also be interested in this book.
In this 2012 edition of Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems the latest innovations and advances in Intelligent Systems and related areas are presented by leading experts from all over the world.
11. 12. 13. 14. Dean J, Ghemawat S (2008) MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. Commun ACM 51(1):107–113 2. Ghemawat S, Gobioff H, ... In: Proceedings of ECMLS 12 White T (2010) Hadoop: the definitive guide, 2nd edn.