What is the purpose of the company and its role in society? From their origin in medieval times to their modern incarnation as powerful transnational bodies, companies remain an important part of business and society at large. Drawing from a variety of perspectives, this book adopts a normative approach to understanding the modern company and provides insights into how companies should be conceptualized. It considers key topics such as the development of corporate theory, the rights and obligations of the company, and the means and ends of corporate governance. Written by leading experts of different jurisdictions, this book provides important international viewpoints on some of the most pressing corporate governance questions.
Taking a systems perspective, this book enables the student to make sense of business behaviour by demonstrating how interrelated business processes determine the success of an organisation.
This book provides comparative perspectives on the purpose of the modern company, its role in society and its regulation.
The Tripledge wiper was developed by a man named Richard Bell who spent six years inventing and marketing the product to ... Stevart H. Britt Source : Suein L. Hwang , “ Rescuers of Windshield - Wiper Manufacturer Clean Up , ” The Wall ...
Understanding Business
Each chapter in Understanding Corporate Life supports the reader with a review of the relevant literature and research and a critique of how the theme under discussion fits into the bigger picture presented by the book.
This book covers all of the key topics that a student reader will encounter in any company law course.
It is from these extensive contacts with so many managers facing real problems that the clarity and readability of the book has sprung.
For most people, financial reports are about as clear as Egyptian hieroglyphics. This book not only makes them easy for anyone to understand but also shows how they can be used to clarify the financial past, present, & future of a company.
Understanding Multi-level Commissions and Their Role in a Successful Company
The essential guide to understanding financial reports, for entrepreneurs, managers, and business owners Do you get complete financial reports for your business at least once a month? Do you understand...