"Game theory explains how to make good choices when different decision makers have conflicting interests. The classical approach assumes that decision makers are committed to making the best choices for themselves regardless of the effect on others, but such an approach is less appropriate when cooperation, compromise and negotiation are important. This book describes conditional games, a form of game theory that accommodates multiple stakeholder decision-making scenarios where cooperation and negotiation are significant issues and where notions of concordant group behavior are important. Using classical binary preference relations as a point of departure, the book extends the concept of a preference ordering that permits stakeholders to modulate their preferences as functions of the preferences of others. As these conditional preferences propagate through a group of decision makers, they create social bonds that lead to notions of group concordance. This book is intended for all students and researchers of decision theory and game theory, including students in artificial intelligence (especially multiagent systems and distributed control), economics, management science, psychology, analytic philosophy and applied mathematics"--Provided by publisher.
The Decision Making of Organic and Conventional Agricultural Producers
Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice Hall . Nisbett , R. , & Ross , L. ( 1980 ) . Human Inference : Strategies and shortcomings of human judgment . Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice - Hall . Oakley , K. , & Bolton , W. ( 1985 ) .
... Rosemary Ann Roth Trauma Surgery Janet L. Wakefield Amputation Rosemary Ann Roth Esthetics and Breast Surgery Patricia Stravinsky Fritz Acute Arterial Occlusion Rosemary Ann Roth THORACIC PROCEDURES CARDIAC SURGERY Endoscopy Deborah ...
Donner, T., Siegel, M., Fries, P., and Engel, A. K. (2009). Buildup of choice-predictive activity in human ... Fries, P., Nikoli ́c, D., and Singer, W. (2007). The gamma cycle. ... Boston: Pearson Education. Usher, M., and McClelland, ...
Casebook of Organizational Behavior
Quantitative Analysis For Management
For courses in Management Science or Decision Modeling. Render/Stair/Hanna puts an emphasis on model building and computer applications to show students how the techniques presented in the book are used in business.
Study Guide to Accompany Render and Stair's Quantitative Analysis for Management, Second Edition
Quantitative Analysis for Management
Based on the authors' recent Quantitative analysis for management, 4th ed. (1991), this text provides an alternative organization to accommodate the sequence of those management science courses which prefer the linear programming chapters ...