Distinguishing four sources of power – ideological, economic, military and political – this series traces their interrelations throughout human history. This fourth volume covers the period from 1945 to the present, focusing on the three major pillars of post-war global order: capitalism, the nation-state system and the sole remaining empire of the world, the United States. In the course of this period, capitalism, nation-states and empires interacted with one another and were transformed. Mann's key argument is that globalization is not just a single process, because there are globalizations of all four sources of social power, each of which has a different rhythm of development. Topics include the rise and beginnings of decline of the American Empire, the fall or transformation of communism (respectively, the Soviet Union and China), the shift from neo-Keynesianism to neoliberalism, and the three great crises emerging in this period – nuclear weapons, the great recession and climate change.
2 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Grayson , A. K. 1972 1976. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions . 2 vols . Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz . Hignett , C. 1963. Xerxes ' Invasion of Greece . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Larsen , M. T. 1976.
Representative Martin Sweeney of industrial Cleveland predicted “an epidemic of strikes that has never before been witnessed in this country” (Goldfield, 1989: 127345). They were asking legislators less sympathetic to labor to save ...
Distinguishing four sources of power - ideological, economic, military and political - this series traces their interrelations throughout human history.
In addition to providing information that can be used by professionals in management, psychology, engineering, and other fields, the book presents an overview of the research approach of naturalistic decision making and expands our ...
It also contains Mann's reply where he answers his critics and forcefully restates his position. This is a unique and provocative study for scholars and students alike.
" In this new book Michael Mann reflects on the meaning of his project as a whole, both as a contribution to social theory and as a guide to the options and constraints that face the contemporary world now and in the near future.
This book focuses on the historical sociology of the Turkish state, seeking to compare the development of the Ottoman/Turkish state with similar processes of large scale historical change in Europe identified by Michael Mann in The Sources ...
Zwischen den Klassen : Zur Sozialstruktur der SA - Fuhrerschaft . Wuppertal : Hammer . Janjic , D. ( ed . ) . 1995. Serbia Between the Past and the Future . Belgrade : Institute of Social Sciences and Forum for Ethnic Relations .
Examines the interrelationship between states, war and the economy and shows how an overall theory of these must involve consideration of them all.
The Rise of German Industrial Power , 1834–1914 . London : Temple & Smith . Hobson , J. 1991. The Tax - Seeking State : Protectionism , Taxation and State Structures in Germany , Russia , Britain and America , 1870-1914 .